Student Resources

Academic Resources

Current Student Contact

write us


Our Academic Support Services team can be reached via email at:


The course delivery system currently used is known as Canvas. Students can access assignments, readings, quizzes and tests, and pre-recorded content using this system. Interactive discussion boards are available 24-hours per day for students to engage in scholarly discussions with classmates and instructors. Students can monitor their progress in a given course using an interactive gradebook tool.

Courses will be delivered via a blended/hybrid mechanism (both synchronously and asynchronously). Content will be delivered within modules that are conceptually grouped. Some modules, due to the complexity of the content, will be longer than other modules. Assignments will be given during each module and are due by the completion of the module on a designated date. The course will be completed within a semester time frame. Modules will include a combination of readings, recordings, webinars, group discussions, and student research projects.

During the registration process you will be asked to create a GatorLink account. The GatorLink login and password you create is what you will use to access e-Learning. A couple weeks before classes start, detailed instructions will be sent out to assist you with accessing your classes.

After you complete the application and course registration process, you can access online courses by logging into UF’s e-Learning website at any time. Go to and select “Log in to e-learning” to enter your Gatorlink username and password.

You will not be able to access your course until the start date listed in the course registration materials. Some course content will not be immediately available to you. Instructors may open and close access to lessons according to the schedule posted in the course syllabus.

Remember to bookmark the e-learning page for quick access!


As a student, all official communication is sent to your UFL email account. Please make sure you are checking your email regularly for important course updates, messages, and information about clearing holds and registering.

Your GatorLink username makes up the first part of the UFL email address (the part before Your UF email can be set up two weeks after you have been admitted to the program.

One.UF student portal

One.UF is the UF student portal. Do not attempt to register yourself for courses using One.UF.

IT Help

If you need technical assistance, please contact the UF Computing Help Desk. You will need your Gator Link ID. You can access the UF Help Desk when you log into the e-learning website. You can reach them seven days a week (hours vary and they are closed on holidays).

Technical Requirements

Access to and on-going use of a computer is required for all students. The University of Florida expects each student entering a distance education program to acquire computer hardware and software appropriate to his or her degree program. Competency in the basic use of a computer is required. Course work will require use of a computer and a broadband connection to the internet, academic advising and registration can be done by computer, official university correspondence is often sent via e-mail and other services are provided that require access through the Internet.

Suggested Hardware Recommendation:

  • Intel Core i3 2.2Ghz
  • 4GB of RAM or more
  • 256 Gigabyte Hard Drive or higher
  • DVD-R/RW Drive
  • USB ports (at least 2)
  • WiFi wireless networking on laptops
  • Sound card, and speakers or headphones
  • 1024 by 768 or higher resolution monitor
  • Printer
  • 100mbit or 1Gbit Ethernet Adapter for Broadband
  • A broadband connection to the Internet and related equipment (Generally supplied by the service provider). Cable or DSL highly recommended.

Software Requirements:

  • Office suite (provided by the university)
  • Antivirus (Microsoft Security Essentials recommended)
  • Updated Java and Flash
  • Firefox browser
  • A media player
  • Adobe Connect
  • Live Chat sessions are held using the Adobe Connect tool, accessed from the course page in Canvas. Please use a headset during all Adobe Connect chats.
    Watch a video tutorial.
  • Voice Thread
  • A cloud-based discussion tool used to record and share project presentations.
    Click here for a student user guide.

Operating System:

  • Windows 7 (Home basic and starter versions of Windows 7 not recommended)
  • Windows 8/8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Mac OSX


A combined microphone (typically 3.55 mm plugs or USB) and speaker headset is recommended for personal use and in online settings. Quality, reliable headsets can be purchased at Best Buy or similar retailer for approximately $20-$30.

NOTE: We advise against using separate microphones and built-in computer speakers as the sound from computer speakers can be picked up from the microphone and cause feedback and distortions affecting other participants.


Once you are a student, all official communication will be sent to your UFL email account. Your GatorLink username makes up the first part of the UFL email address (the part before Your UF email can be set up 2 weeks after you have been admitted to the program.


The courses will be delivered using the University of Florida (UF) centrally supported learning management system, Canvas.

  • You will need a GatorLink ID to access this e-learning site
  • You will need access to high-speed internet
  • You will need a desktop or laptop computer (tablets and mobile devices are not fully compatible with these courses). In addition, you will need a headset with a microphone to participate in online discussions.
  • Internet Explorer is not compatible with our courses; please use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari.
    To download Firefox, visit:
    To download Google Chrome, visit:
  • You will need Microsoft Word and Excel, which you will be able to download for free as a UF student. Also, as a UF student, you will have access to software training from


Transcripts are not automatically sent to the student after each term and must be requested by the student.

To gain access to unofficial transcripts:

  • Go to > click on “Transcripts” > click on “Current Students” > login with your Gatorlink username and password > click on “View and/or print my unofficial transcript.”
  • Students who have graduated or have not taken courses for more than a term will not have access to unofficial electronic transcripts.

For official transcripts:

  • Go to > click on “Transcripts” > Follow the Transcript Request Procedures (PDF) to request transcripts from the registrar.

Libraries and VPN

Distance education students enjoy the same library privileges as on-campus students.

Course Planner

Plan your progress in the program using our Vet Forensics Course Planner.

Transfer of Credits

Transfer in your previous graduate credits via the Vet Forensics Transfer of Credits form.

Diversity and Inclusion

We aspire to be an exceptional academic environment that reflects the breadth of thought essential for preeminence, achieved by a community of students, faculty, and staff, who have diverse experiences and backgrounds. Every Gator has a part to play and we invite you to join us as we build a community founded on belonging, inclusion and the freedom to thrive.

The Office of the Chief Diversity Officer has information about UF’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Honor Code

Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code

Graduate school information and helpful links

Student Life Resources

Commencement Information


Please read this ENTIRE page and contact us at if you have any questions. Failure to do so could result in not graduating or receiving your diploma.

Applying to graduate: In order to graduate, you MUST apply to graduate in Student Self Service by the deadline posted on the Critical Dates page. How to submit the degree application: Please click on the following link to submit your graduation application in Student Self Service: Click on “My Record” on the left side of the page, click on “degree application,” and provide the requested information.  You need to pick “Master of Science.” UF Registrar – Degree Application

Qualifying to graduate: In order to graduate, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Completion of all required courses and necessary electives
    • Only courses completed with a grade of C or higher can be counted toward a degree or graduate certificate
  • An overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • A major GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • If you have an Incomplete in any course, please contact your instructor immediately to ensure completion of the coursework on time.
  • If you are not sure if you meet the above qualifications, email

Make sure you do not owe the university any money! Satisfy all financial obligations (fines, tickets, fees, etc.) with the University Bursar. Your final grades, transcripts and diploma will not be released until all debt are paid. All emergency or short-term loans from the college and university must also be paid before graduation. You can view and pay any current charges due on Student Self Service under University Bursar.

Did you receive financial aid? If you received financial aid, you will need to complete an exit interview. Your final grades, transcripts and diploma will not be released until this is done.

Follow these instructions to complete an exit interview:

  • Go to Student Self Service
  • Click on “Financial Services” from the Online Services menu on the left
  • Click on “Exit Counseling Student Loan”
  • If you don’t remember your pin, call loan services at 352-392-0737

The commencement ceremony: Check the Registrar’s website ( for important information regarding the commencement ceremony, including the schedule, information for graduates, information for guests, and more. You do not have to attend the graduation ceremony in order to graduate.

Graduates attending commencement need to order and pick up their caps, gowns and hoods from the University of Florida Visitor Center/Bookstore. Information regarding cap, gown and hood rental can be found here:

  • When picking up your regalia from the Bookstore, make sure you receive a gown, cap, tassel and hood.
  • Please be sure to return your gown and hood to the bookstore at the UF Welcome Center after graduation. The cap and tassel are yours to keep. Do not leave your gown or hood on a chair or table somewhere without checking it in. Failure to turn in your gown or hood will result in the withholding of your diploma and transcripts by the university.

Diplomas: Diplomas will not be handed out at graduation. The Office of the University Registrar will mail diplomas to your permanent address on file with the University of Florida approximately 8 to 10 weeks after graduation. Diplomas measure 11 ¾” high by 16” wide.

Make sure your permanent address is correct in the UF Directory by following these steps:

  • Log into MyUFL
  • Under Main Menu, My Account
  • Select Update Directory Information

Announcements: Graduation announcements can be purchased from the following website:

Accessibility Resources

Accessible UF

The University of Florida is committed to providing everyone a welcoming and accessible campus. UF strives to ensure individuals with disabilities enjoy reasonable access to services and resources required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other applicable federal and state regulations. Accessible UF’s website will serve as a central resource to inform stakeholders on the university’s efforts related to accessibility.

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) collaborates with campus partners to facilitate access and accommodations for UF students with disabilities through providing accessibility consulting, academic accommodations, and education on disability inclusion.